Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 5

Daily Objective: Students will be able to write a equation of a line given two data points.
Definition: Student will be able to find the slope and y-intercept to create an equation for two data points.
Step 1: use the equation below to find the slope ( m = slope in the equation y = mx + b)
Step 2: substitute x and y in the equation y = mx + b as well as the slope you solved for (m).
Step 3: Solve for b, the y-intercept and use that number and your slope to write out an equation. 
Example: y = 7x + 3

Write an equation using the following data points.
1) (3, 2) (7, -4)
2) (3,2) (7,4)
3) (4,2) (3,6)

1) y = -3/2x + 13/2
-4 - 2 = -6 over 7 - 3 = 4
Reduce - 6/4 to - 3/2
y = - 3/2x + b
2= - 3/2(3) + b
b = 13/2
Final equation is y = -3/2x + 13/2
2) y = 1/2x + 1/2
slope (m)= 2/3
2=2/3(3) + b
b= 1/2
Final equation is y = 1/2x + 1/2
3) y = -4x + 18
slope (m) = -4
2= -4 (4) + b
b= 18
Final equation is y = -4x + 18

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